TAA Disabler Patch
TAA Disabler Patch
A simple patcher that allows you to enable or disable TAA for the game.
Works for v1.04 and v1.03.
It’s a simple patcher that allows you to either disable or enable (if you want to re-enable it) TAA in the game with a couple of clicks.
Disable screen-space reflections if you have graphical artefacting.
Disabling TAA might also break or disable other things, like DLSS which will not function without TAA enabled. If you don’t care about DLSS, can’t use DLSS or are running really low settings where TAA blurs everything, you should consider using this patch.
Installation and Use
Simply extract the archive somewhere and run it. Pick the Cyberpunk2077.exe file and then pick Yes or No to disable or enable TAA in-game.
That simple. You can make a backup of your .exe as well just in case but it’s not required even to revert.
wrong file linked!