Summon Vehicles To Spawn In Front Of You Instead Of Driving To You
Summon Vehicles To Spawn In Front Of You Instead Of Driving To You
A lua script that makes it so that when you summon a vehicle, it instantly spawns in front of you as opposed to automatically driving to you.
This mod requires the “Cyber Engine Tweaks” mod!!!
How To Install:
-Extract the “Toggle Summon Mode.7z” file with “7Zip” & inside of the extracted folder will be a “summon.lua” file.
-GOG users Copy & paste the “summon.lua” file into the “bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\scripts” folder (Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\scripts).
-Steam users Copy & paste the “summon.lua” file into your main Cyberpunk 2077 folder (SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077).
How To Use The Mod Once You Are In-Game:
-Once you are in-game, open the console & type in: dofile(“summon.lua”) & press “Enter”.
-Use command again to revert to default behavior.