Stuttering improvements
Stuttering improvements
This is a user.ini file that makes a couple of modifications to the object streaming of the game to make it slower and help out with the stuttering. If you are getting 60+ fps while standing still but notice massive drops while looking around and moving, especially while driving, then this can help. If you are standing still and are still not getting sufficient fps, then this mod will likely not do much since you are GPU limitted.
A recommendation I would give is to use “slow hdd mode” in the game’s options, even if you are using an SSD, it can help stuttering massively.
To install this mod, drop the file into “..\Cyberpunk 2077\engine\config\platform\pc”.
Or create a new file named user.ini and add these lines:
[ResourceLoaderThrottler] FloodMinNonLoadingThreads = 1StreamMaxLoadingThreads = 1
TrickleMaxLoadingThreads = 1
[Occlusion] BroadPhaseFraction = 1
DepthBufferDimScale = 6
FillphaseRangeFactor = 100.000000
MinBufferHeight = 1
MinBufferWidth = 1
MultiFrustumOcclusionMode = 0
MultiFrustumUseGlobalOcclusion = false
RastTilesJobGranularity = 1
TestPhasesCount = 6
[Rendering/MeshLoading] AutoRefreshTime = 2.000000
LoadingDelay = 1