Starter Script
Starter Script
My .lua Script for an easy start with everything you might need!
I tried to hold it small so youre not bussy with deleting everything and i didn´t add Quest Items since they might break the game to much.
Can be used at any point in the Game!
Make sure you put the file in your Game Directory/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/scripts
To use It copy the path of the file with Shift+Right Click > Should give you something like that “G:\Games\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\scripts\setup.lua”
Then change the “YOUR_DIRECTORY” in the following command to your path without the ” at the start and end
And paste it to the Console
Skill Points have to be spend manualy or with the command “Game.GiveAllPerks()” (Use it 5 times to get everything!)
Cyberware has to be equiped manualy!
Weapons with lower Rarity can be upgraded through crafting!