SLOW WALK in ALL directions
SLOW WALK in ALL directions
This mod adds a modifier button to slow walk. Weird oversight from the devs, but until they get it patched up, this will do. (DEFAULTED to ALT)
Thanks to Charles who uploaded WALK key on PC,
I modified it and made it so that now you can hold the button and use WASD to slow walk on all directions, instead of just forward.
Download & extract to
Cyberpunk 2077/r6/config
Replace all.
If you want to replace the button mapped, open the file and change where it says “IK_Alt” to “IK_”.
For example, if you want to change it to Mouse4, replace “IK_Alt” to “IK_Mouse4”.
KNOWN Issue: Movement speed increases a little when strafing diagonally I.E. holding 2 buttons.