Responsive Handling
Responsive Handling
Improved response curve for controller, better braking, better turning angle, better acceleration.
Responsive Handling mod has few features which takes into consideration:
- Controller response is set to 1-1 response, for both steering and speed. Now you can make finer adjustments at lower input.
- Turning angle is boosted at max input to give you better curvature for turn in.
- Minimum force for acceleration and braking isn’t changed, but give you more deacceleration at higher speeds, and you reach top speed earlier than usual.
- Modification are made for both cars and bikes.
I have tested this mod with my SC. SC has smaller trigger range than a XBOX controller. I’m hoping you would be having better response than I am having.
Please endorse this mod if you find it useful
INSTALLATION: COPY basegame_responsiveHandling.archive to <gamefolder>\archive\pc\patch.
Delete the file to UNINSTALL