More Options-Unlock Graphics-Better Controls Mods MERGED
More Options-Unlock Graphics-Better Controls Mods MERGED
This is a merge of the “More Options”, “Unlock Hidden Graphics”, and “Better Controls Menu ” into one file so they can all be used at once.
There were a few additions by me as well, LMB now allows you to deploy a quickhack”, and included scrollwheel and LMB to work in dialog menus.
There is no double-tap dodging, just a dodge button, may
I saw many people wanting to be able to use the mods mentioned in the brief overview, so I went ahead and merged them into one set of files.
The original files can be found here:
“Unlock Hidden Graphics” by srgamerio
“Better Controls Menu” by Nibrodooh
“More Options” by XxCRAZYPOTATOxX
Currently I have a designated dodge version of this mod. I’ll add a separate version shortly after that keeps double-tap dodge intact for those that would like that option in-tact.
Known Issue: Anti-Aliasing was changed to “visible” on the in-game graphics menu, however there are no options that appear. I can’t be sure, but I believe the Anti-Aliasing that CDPR isn’t a choice between FXAA/TXAA/MSAA/etc, if it is I’d need to know the exact options to have them appear in the menu.
Update History:
– V1.0 Original Merge