DLSS Mirror Fix and DLSS Sharpness
DLSS Mirror Fix and DLSS Sharpness
Fixes the scaling issues in viewport (interactive) mirrors in the game, enables the built-in DLSS sharpness functionality.
This mod fixes the issue with DLSS scaling in alternative viewports which are used for interactive mirrors in the game.
The default settings have mirrors running at half or even quarter resolution resulting in rather poor image quality.
The mod also enables the built-in sharpening functionality for DLSS, if you do not like the result alter the value to lower or higher than 0.5, depending on the DLSS mod 0.3-0.5 is ideal when NVIDIA’s global image sharpening isn’t used, if you use the global one through the driver I recommend lowering the sharpness value to around 0.15-0.2.
Create an ini file in [Game_Dir]\engine\config\platform\pc, the name doesn’t matter.
Add the following section:
[DLSS] Enable = trueEnableCustomMipBias = true
EnableMirrorScaling = true
MirrorScaling = 1.000000 (default -1 half/quarter res)
Sharpness = 0.500000 (default 0, no sharpening)