Android app which lets you take a picture of your screen and finds the most rewarding path for the Breach Protocol minigame.Necessary for Optimal Cyberpunk Roleplaying!
Running the app
After the app starts, you should see an example matrix and sequences you can play around with. If you input a buffer size, the “Calculate Path”
button will become available. To scan a different matrix/sequence,
simply tap the appropiate “Scan” button.
The “Calculate Path” button will become available once all errors are cleared.
Reading optimal path
The values from the matrix that you need to pick will be marked in green, and the numbers in each cell represent the order in which they
should be inputted.
The sequences are also marked as green/red depending on whether or not they were completed following the optimal path.
As you can see, the best path possible does not always complete all
sequences. However, you can choose which sequences you want to complete,
which will affect the path chosen.