Baest’s Hathair Mod
Baest’s Hathair Mod
Have you ever wanted the ability to hide your headarmor? Look no further!
This mod makes the bandana invisible and instead shows one of 37 hairstyles
Get the same haircut as Judy, Clair, Evelyn, Panam or even Rogue
The hairstyles will use the same color as your normal hair – except for Judy’s and Wizzy’s
All you need to do is find a hairstyle you like and place the corresponding .archive in your patch folder (Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch)
I you dont have a bandana as of this moment you can use the following command to add it through the “Cyber Engine Tweaks” mod
Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Scarf_02_basic_01”, 1)
This mod is currently only supported by female V, and will not work with any mods using the bandana