A Beast with Moxie
A Beast with Moxie
Welcome to a Beast with Moxie!
This is my very first mod. It took a bit of learning to get here but I finally have something to post and share with a community that has been all too kind in helping me get to the point where I can give a little something back. Alert!!
This section is entirely pointless and just me sharing something fun that I enjoy with those that might actually get a kick out of it. If you don’t like musings please. Proceed to the exits it will take you direction to the installation and enjoyment part of your tour. Those who stay welcome! I named this mod a Beast with Moxie because I love wordplay. I loved Claire when I first played and always enjoy doing her story each time I pass through. Beast however always felt off. The backpack was cute but clashed with the rugged mean design of the rest of it visually. That always bothered me but I love driving it. So when I made a Mox character and decided she needed her own special ride. Well you see the results. So it needed a special name. Obviously it already had one. A beast. Which its former owner definitely is but in a funny coincidence in the game files her gear is in the animals section. Either someone out there thinks like me or its just a coincidence. Moxie also mans someone who has guts. No matter your opinion on her reasons for her actions you can’t deny Claire had those. Then obviously my Mox character had to have Mox colors. So Moxie again has a double meaning. I really love that stuff!Installation
Just toss it into your \Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod folder. Once there. Contemplate it for awhile. Once you are sure you are ready to continue your journey just go drive the thing around already.
Oh and one additional note. You can cheat this in if you want using other mods. Otherwise you’ll have to wait til you get a call from Claire!My nonsense side I really do hope you have fun if you enjoy this mod if you choose to install it. For me its the little things that make the game more fun to play. Special mentions!
I want to mention a few people that I couldn’t have gotten a start without. Seracen, Karimatrix, Neurolinked, and BeautiDuwanger all had hands in the lessons I needed to get this thing off the ground.Minor note. Panams truck interior will get 20 percent more fabulous due to this mod.